3 international travel ideas for your summer trip

3 international travel ideas for your summer trip



So you’re ready to hit the skies for an international flight after more than a year of COVID-19 lockdowns, quarantines and restrictions, but where can you go? Some countries are reopening to Americans, but the degree of reopening varies.

Some countries will let you in, but only if you agree to a multiday quarantine. Other countries require a negative COVID-19 test even if you’re vaccinated, which will add extra items to your pre-departure to-do list.

These locations are among the least complicated to get into and are largely embracing American tourists this summer:


Mexico has always been one of the most convenient countries for Americans to visit because of the short flights. Now, it’s among the countries with the fewest restrictions for entry: According to the U.S. Embassy in Mexico, travelers do not need a negative COVID-19 test and there is no requirement to provide proof of vaccination.

Instead, you’ll need to fill out a form at the Vuela Seguro website to complete a quick but mandatory health questionnaire, either upon arrival in Mexico or up to 12 hours before your arrival. After completing the questionnaire, you’ll receive a personal QR code. Screenshot this QR code and save it to your phone for easy access as you’ll need to show it before immigration processing in Mexico. Save yourself some time by filling it out in advance and you’ll walk right past all the other passengers scrambling to fill it out at the airport.


Visitors traveling to the Bahamas who are fully vaccinated with approved vaccines and have passed the two-week immunity period are exempt from COVID-19 testing requirements.

If you haven’t yet been vaccinated, you can still visit, but you must obtain a negative COVID-19 PCR test no more than five days before arrival. You...

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