Trafigura Dumps Over 400,000 Tons of Aluminum into LME Warehouses

Trafigura Dumps Over 400,000 Tons of Aluminum into LME Warehouses


Via Metal Miner Overall, the Aluminum Monthly Metals Index (MMI) rose 7.06% from April to May. The aluminum price remained bullish throughout April, rising 11.47% month over month. However, prices found a peak on April 22 when they failed to break above their 2023 high. They then retraced to the downside during the remainder of the month and into early May.  LME Aluminum Inventories Skyrocket After Trafigura Delivery Amid the aluminum price retreat, Trafigura dumped over 400,000 metric tons of aluminum into LME warehouses. Most of the volumes…

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