Fitbit Charge 6 tracks SpO2, heart rate, ECG, sleep, and much more at $130 (Second-best)

Fitbit Charge 6 tracks SpO2, heart rate, ECG, sleep, and much more at $130 (Second-best)



Amazon is now offering the new Fitbit Charge 6 Fitness Tracker for $129.95 shipped in all three styles. Each one drops from the usual $160 price tag for one of the first times, landing at the second-best discounts yet with $30 in savings attached. A well-timed discount for lending a helping hand to all of those New Year’s fitness resolutions, we’ve only seen the latest fitness tracker from Fitbit sell for less once before over Black Friday. We offer a closer look at what to expect in our hands-on review over at Connect the Watts.


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