New all-time low takes $275 off Samsung’s 11-inch Galaxy Tab S9 256GB tablet at $645

New all-time low takes $275 off Samsung’s 11-inch Galaxy Tab S9 256GB tablet at $645



Amazon is now offering the best price ever on the latest Samsung Galaxy Tab S9. This 11-inch Android tablet with 256GB of storage now sells for *$644.98 shipped*. It’s down from $920, dropping by 30% to the lowest price we’ve ever seen. The previous discount on this storage capacity was at $800, and now you can take another $155 off. And just to further drive home how good of a deal this is, the 128GB capacity sells for $699 on Amazon right now – so you’re getting double the storage for $54 less. Over at 9to5Google, we fully explore what’s new this time around across the whole Galaxy Tab S9 lineup.


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