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Midmorning With Aundrea - April 23, 2020 (Part 1)

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Midmorning With Aundrea - April 23, 2020 (Part 1)
Midmorning With Aundrea - April 23, 2020 (Part 1)

(Part 1 of 2) People with dementia and Alzheimer's are having unique probems during the coronavirus pandemic.

We explore how they and their caregivers are getting through these difficult times.

And the coronavirus isn't stopping some people from continuing to meet up with each other.

>> are you covering your face when you go out - to the grocery?

To the drugstore?

For a walk?

By now, you've probably seen where the cdc is recommending that people wear some type of face- covering when in public.

As we learn more about the coronavirus and its potential ways of spreading... guidelines can change.

Our cash matlock speaks with area healthcare care workers about how they keep up with changing policies.

Dr. dustin gentry is a physician at winston medical center.

Recently, he's posted updates on facebook to help provide the public with the most accurate covid-19 related information as possible.

"if somebody ha to mingle in pubic or in a pubic venue, or place, or gather with other people, they should wear a face covering like the cdc recommends.

There's no order that i know of that makes it illegal to be in public without one, but it's common curtesy right now in the times that we're living to make sure you're wearing a covering over your nose and mouth."

It's no secret there's a shortage in personal protective equipment.

Some people spend time online arguing about whether or not surgical masks should be worn by everyday citizens or donated to health care workers and first responders.

Gentry says, for the average person, the face- covering doesn't necessarily need to be medical grade.

"the cdc i recommending that everyone, when they are in public, have a face covering of some type.

It can be a handkerchief, a shirt, i've even seen people do creative things with socks."

He says it's important to know that face coverings don't really protect the person wearing them.

"the purpose o that is not for self-protection.

It is to protect other people incase you have coronavirus and don't realize it."

According to gentry, it's also important to know the difference in each mask.

"disposabl surgical masks, like this one, are meant for health care providers who are in contact with patients."

"then there ar homemade masks, like this, and the one that's around my neck, that can be worn by health care providers, first line workers..."

"and then this is n95 mask, and i see a lot of patients wearing them, and that's fine, but these are in short supply right now and they need to reserved for health care wokers that are doing risky procedures, like intebating people and doing things in the hospital setting."

Researchers are learning new information about the virus every day... and local doctors and nurses are working to keep everyone informed.

"we get constan updates from the state health department, and we appreciate their diligence.

The ems and ema systems throughout the state are sending out updates.

Umc is very vigilant with their updates and their bulletins that we can read."

And instead getting your information from social media... gentry says it's best to ask your local healthcare provider.

Sometimes it can be challenging to keep the public informed with the most up-to-date information.

And health care workers are urging people to be careful with what they read online.

For the latest information from the cdc regarding face masks, visit our website, wcbi dot com.

People living with dementia or alzheimer's are facing unique challenges during the coronavirus pandemic.

The stress has taken a toll on not only them, but also their caregivers.

Cbs news correspondent nichelle medina shows how they're getting through these difficult times.

82 year old lucy lee enjoys looking through family photo albums. nats in @4:06 "this self-isolatio period has her very confused."

Since her alzheimer's diagnosis last year, lucy's daughter marcella has become her caregiver.

It's a challenging role, one even more difficult during the coronavirus outbreak "i think i'v answered the same question 100 times as to why i'm not working and why the kids aren't in school."

Beth kallmyer of the alzheimer's association says right now its important to stimulate your loved one with simple and familiar things.

"a change i routine can cause somebody to wander that's never wandered before."

Caregivers should also watch for increased confusion, focus on hygiene and handwashing for both themselves and their loved ones?

And have a plan for care if they get sick.

"if you don't hav that plan ahead of time, trying to manage that in a cris is really challenging.

Nichelle on cam .the challenges don't end there.

Many families who can't provide care at home are finding it difficult to connect with loved ones in facilities.

Nat "mom has dementi and we haven't been able to see her for a month."

Centers are now getting creative to keep loved ones connected .

Nat pop "there's grandma can you see her?"

Lucy finds comfort in walks and board games with her grandkids.

And marcella says caregivers also need to find time to unwind.

"it's reall important for everyone right now to take care of their mental health, but especially for caregivers because it is an abundance of stress."

While self quarantine isn't easy, lucy is adjusting to her new routine.

With her family's help ..she's finding new ways to connect to the outside world , during these uncertain times.

Nat pop "i can't wait to se you again."

Nichelle medina cbs news, san diego.

82 year old lucy lee enjoys looking through family photo albums. the alzheimer's association has a 24/7 help line to provide support during the pandemic.

That number is on your screen right now.

You can call 1-800- 272-3900 to speak with a counselor or social worker.

No touch doors.

It's a new idea at one grocery store.

We'll show little l local business everywhere are struggling.

And, just like in our area.

Many small restaurants are trying to stay open and serve their customers with pick up order.

Things were looking bleak for one indiana woman.

And, then the mail arrived.

Kate sergeant has been the owner of diner on 12th for 2 years..

And she says she loves it!

Kate sergeant, diner on 12th owner: "we know 9 percent of our customers by name when they walk in the door and we love that.

We love to know what their kids or their grandchildren are doing each day."

Her customers and her workers..

Are what make her love her job.

She's had to lay off over half of her employees..

And only gets to see her regulars through a drive- through window.

Not having that contact every day was wearing her down.

Kate sergeant, diner on 12th owner: "i was ready t shut the doors..

We'll see you in a few months when everything clears which probably would put me into -- i hope not -- bankruptcy but pretty darn close."

Saturday started like a normal day for her..

Just her and her cook lori at the diner.

That's when the mailman came.

Kate sergeant, diner on 12th owner "and i saw a envelope with handwriting, which is not normal because we get bills..

And i walked over and decided i was going to open it right then and i started to cry."

It was a check and letter..

From a retired person who wanted to donate his stimulus check to help support some of their favorite businesses -- signed "a hopefu hoosier" kate sergeant, diner on 12th owner "this person mad me know that i can do this..

I can go on, i can open every day..

I can get by with "he how are you doing" through the window and being content with that.

Making sure that they have the best food that i can give to them and knowing that soon..

We're going to get back to those times that we cherish."

She says at the end of the day..

It's not about the money.

It's about caring for one another... and that's exactly what this donor did.

Kate sergeant, diner on 12th owner "hopeful hoosier i mishawaka..

You're my hero."

As many people are sheltering in place across the country, preparing every meal at home has become a necessity.

But if you're lacking in the culinary arts, there are several meal kit services for you and your baby that are still delivering during these difficult times.

Cnet's kara tsuboi provides you with options in this tech minute.

Meal kit delivery services are a great option as they offer high quality food with the comfort of easy home-cooking.

Here are some to check out.

Gobble is a well known delivery service that claims dinner can be ready in fifteen minutes.

Their kits include pre- portioned protein and vegetables and premade sauces to save you time.

Choose deliveries to fit your diet and the number of portions to feed your family.

Gobble delivers to the entire continental us, except for five states.

If you are looking to follow a specific diet, like keto, paleo or vegan, then green chef is for you.

All of the food in the kit is organic and they ship to almost every state.

For maximum menu options and flexibility, hello fresh is a good option.

They ship nationwide and allow you to start, pause and cancel anytime.

Other top-rated options to try include blue apron, sun basket and homechef.

If you've got babies to feed, little spoon is a delivery service that brings organic, nutritious purees to your doorstep.

The menu rotates weekly with flavors like 'carrot mango conut milk tumeric' and 'kale avocado green apple chia' and the company pledges there are never additives or preservatives in their food.

Yumi is another baby puree service to explore and yumble, tiny organics and nurture life are meal delivery services with older kids in mind.

Fore more tech news, visit,

In san francisco, i'm kara tsuboi with cnet for cbs news.

While the coronavirus has created new challenges for businesses around the world, it's also prompted innovation.

In finland, one supermarket is relying on new technology to keep customers safe.

Ian lee reports.

At this grocery store in finland, the fight against the coronavirus is getting a hand...or rather handle.

One company has created a new way to open refrigerator doors.

If necessity is the mother of invention, this is covid-19's latest child says kalle saarimaa.

"they started t brainstorm.

How could we contribute to solving this crisis.

So then we came up with the idea to come up with this product of handle."

Each handle is created by a 3-d printer from recycled plastic.

The invention helps cut down on touching...making everything hands- free.

That's important, as health experts say the coronavirus can live on a surface for up to three days.

So far the handles are a hit.

"this is a goo invention, very good, helpful, i think everybody likes this you know.'' a new way to shop that prevents customers from taking anything áextraá home.

Ian lee cbs news london european hospitals are also working to make to their doors 'hands-free'.

Some have begun using similar handles, or hooks to avoid touching doors while caring for patients.

Theres something about a long distance relationship.

We'll morning the pandemic is dramatically changing our everyday lives, including how we work, socialize, and even date.

Jamie yuccas has been talking to people practicing social distancing, while looking for love.

Love really is áin the airá in new york city& last month, jeremy cohen turned to his drone to get the attention of tori cignarella& after he spotted her dancing on her building's rooftop across the street.

"i went out to m balcony, and i said 'hi,' and she waved back and said, 'hi.'

"so i kind of sai something along the ways along the lines of like, 'i'm gonna send you something.'

And then i and then i wrote my number on my drone.

And then i ran up to the roof and flew it over.

Since then there's been a rooftop dinner... a second date áin personá with cohen in a protective bubble.

And a special romantic gesture for tori's birthday - courtesy of an old school boombox.

"we've jus obviously built this bond just over this crazy scenario.

But like, i also - we also get along really well as like humans and individuals, which has been really nice to actually focus on."

Many americans have been told to stay home to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Some people - like jami shapiro - are embracing the change.

The single mom of three is using her new free time&to face time.

"i'm in a singl parent group on facebook.

And a lot of people are saying i'm not going to date right now because i can't meet - what's the point?

I'm like, this is the point.

This is the time."

So far she's met several potential matches.

But she's also facing the same frustrations some experience in real life - including getting stood up.

I put makeup on and like very minimal, like, you know, and but i still had my pajamas.

And um, and then he didn't show and i was actually kind of mad, like i just like put on lipstick for you?

I think it's the first time in a lot of people's life where they felt just prevented from contact with others.

Daniel jones is the editor of the new york times column modern love.

Do you have advice for people that might want to go down this road?

I think inhibitions are falling - can fall away.

And you can ask the deep questions and - and learn about their past, and learn about their fears, and learn about their hopes for the future.

And now dating apps like bumble and tinder are pushing users to video chat instead.

Bumble says video chats increased 56 percent in late march.

And those video dates are lasting on average more than 20 minutes.

Do you think that you could get interested in someone over video and - and be in it for a while until you can meet each other?

I mean, aren't there movies about this stuff like, there's it's - it's possible!

It really is.

It's kind of like a pen pal, you know, after a while - like a video pen pal.

And then after some point you're like, what are we doing here?

So look, you could possibly find lasting love.

I'm an optimist - i'm a careful optimist.

According to dating dot-com, just five percent of users said they plan to wait out isolation before dating again.

82 percent of its members in major cities say they are still actively dating online, in hopes of meeting someone.

Jamie yuccas, cbs news, los angeles.

It's happening in tupelo, across north mississippi and around the try.

Finding ways to feed people who need a little help.

That's ahead on mid morning.

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