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Saturday, June 1, 2024

44News at Noon 5/25

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44News at Noon 5/25
44News at Noon 5/25
44News at Noon 5/25

Coronavirus pandemic and its impact here in the tri-state.

Along with the latest headlines throughout the area.

Right now concerns growing surrounding memorial day celebrations and the lack of social distancing.

But first let's take a look at the latest number of covid-19 cases here in the tri- state.

In indiana-- state wide-- more than 31-thousand cases now-- with 4 new cases in dubois county--- bringing the total there to 183 confirmed cases.

In kentucky-- 2 new cases spread across the green river health department district-- with cases added in daviess and ohio counties vice president mike pence talks about this memorial day as the nation copes with the coronavirus pandemic.

He also expressed confidence the reopening of america will be safe--and continue to move forward.

He elaborated on the administrations efforts to get american businesses up and running again and the people back to a sense of normalcy.

"the president and i are very confident that as now all 50 states have begun the process of re-opening our country, that while there may be instances where, where people are, would do well to be reminded about the importance of social distancing and the importance of continuing regular hygiene, we have every confidence that as, that as, these restrictions are more loosened in the days ahead the american people are gonna step forward and put this country back to work in a safe and in responsible way."

Pence also says he thinks the republican national convention should go forward in charlotte, north carolina-- despite the state's recent spike in coronavirus cases... saying it's absolutely essential because of the immense preparation involved.

President trump today demanded the governor sign off "immediately" on allowing the r- n-c to move forward in august with full attendance.

A protest for gun rights at the kentucky capitol - included an effigy of governor andy beshear hanging from a tree.... kentucky elected officials from*both sides of the aisle are condemning protesters' hanging the effigy on the capitol grounds sunday afternoon.... it is not yet clear who placed the effigy in the tree.... protesters taking to frankfort this weekend - demanding the governor open the state up - after weeks of orders to stay at home - to prevent the spread of covid-19.... some protesters said - the governor has denied them their constitutional rights - while some want better conditions for those incarcerated in the state.... in kentucky -- restaurants are now open but your dining experience may look a bit different.

Tables must be spaced at least six feet apart and everything from menus to utensils have to be disposable.

In illinois -- bars and restaurants can open outdoor seating may 29th.... governor pritzker says a date for restaurants and bars to open inside will come in phase three.

That date moved up nearly a month.

Also in illinois......on the 29th of this month state parks open..... gyms can offer outdoor services......and salons and retail stores can open with restrictions.

Voters in evansville can cast their ballots early - at five e-v-p-l locations starting tuesday.... all library locations will remain closed for regular services - as a reopening date has not been set.... tuesday through thursday - voting will happen from noon to 6:00pm - and friday from noon until 5:00pm.... early voting will take place in the meeting rooms of central - - north park - oaklyn - and red bank locations..... president trump is marking memorial day with not one - but two different events.

The white house is increasing the president's public schedule as he pushes for america to reopen.

Natalie brand has more details from the white house.

(track 1)the ceremony at arlington national cemetery looked different this year as guests paid tribute to the nation's fallen.

Dignitaries were asked to remove their masks ahead of the president's arrival.

The few in attendance maintained a social distance as he laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier.

(nats) (track 2)the president will also commemorate memorial day with an event at fort mchenry in baltimore.even as baltimore's mayor - and protesters - called on the president to stay home due to the pandemic.

(sot: sharon black/protester)"i think a lot of people are angry and upset that hes even coming to the city -our city has a stay at home order still in place."

(track 3)president trump is making more trips outside of the white house - including two golf outings this weekend.

(nats) (track 3)joe biden's campaign seized on the outing in a new attack ad.

(gfx)president trump responded on twitter calling it "exercise" and said it's his first time golfing in nearly three months.

(/gfx) (standup: natalie brand/cbs news/the white house)the president also threatened to move his party's convention out of north carolina if that state's democratic governor doesn't guarantee republicans will be allowed to attend this august.

(sot: vice president pence/credit: fox news)"we look forward to working with governor cooper.

Getting a swift response and if needs be, if needs be, moving the national convention to a state that, that is farther along on reopening and can say with confidence that, that we can gather there."

(track 4)while the president wants americans on the move again - he's putting in new travel restrictions on brazil.

(sot: robert o'brien/national security adviser)"we hope that'll be temporary.

But because of the situation in brazil, we're going to take every step necessary to protect the american people."

(track 5)brazil currently has the second most coronavirus cases behind only the u-s.

Natalie brand, cbs news, the white house.

The travel restrictions apply to all non-us citizens who have visited brazil in the 14 days prior to their arrival in the u-s.

The sunshine makes another appearance today and temperatures rising into the upper 80's however we do have that chance of showers later today.

Lets turn to meteorologist anthony copeland with your memorial day forecast.

Good afternoon anthony.

Developing news at noon--- president trump's re- election campaign is jumping on joe biden for a comment he made about black voters.

It left the prospective democratic nominee on the defensive over the weekend.

Ed o'keefe reports--while biden tried to clarify, his campaign bashed the president's response to the pandemic.

Package:president trump's decision to hit the links this weekend is the focus of a new joe biden attack ad.the president shot back last night tweeting that it was "exercise."and while biden and democrats nationwide try to keep the focus on the president's handling of the coronavirus& mister trump is seizing on something biden said friday on the breakfast club, an influential radio show.

(charlamagne) it's a long way until nov.

We got more questions.(biden) you got more questions.

Well i'll tell you if you have a problem figuring out if you're for me or trump, then you ain't black.

Biden later walked back the comments during a call with black business leaders, saying he does not take black voters for granted.

(audio up)"...i shouldn't have been such a wise guy.

I shouldn't have been so cavalier&" the trump campaign quickly produced online attack ads targeted at black voters& (nat pop)"you ain't black."

And it's now selling 30-dollar t-shirts emblazoned with biden's comment.the former vice president says he's in the process of picking a femal* running mate -- and one of the women he's considering, florida congresswoman val demings, came to biden's defense on sunday.

(sot: rep.

Val demings/d-fl?look, the vice president shouldn't have said it.

He apologized for it?

But the man who interviewed biden, charlamagne tha god, said that biden and democrats should do more than apologize.

(sot: charlamagne tha god/co-host, the breakfast clu??the apology is cool but the best apology is actually a black agenda.

They have to make some real policy commitments to black people?

(standup close: ed oeefe/cbs news/washington, d.c.?biden continues to face big pressure to pick a black woman as his running mate, with many black leaders reminding him he wouldn't have won the south carolina primary that vaulted him into the lead without their overwhelming support.

A final decision isn't expected for at least another month.

Ed oeefe, cbs news, washington?

The pandemic has effected many aspects of our daily lives, but now the impact is being felt on wildlife.

Coming up on 44 news at noon--- conservationist s speak out on how the efforts to save species from certain extinction has been halted by the coronavirus.

Health officials are concerned z3uruz z16fz y3uruy y16fy social distancing guidelines as they celebrate memorial day amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Elise preston reports from new york.

(track 1)americans packed the beaches this memorial day weekend, despite the coronavirus pandemic.

(sot - geraldine lopez / ocean city, md)"we just wanted to get away have the kids have some fun and not let this ruin a big holiday."

(track 2)but on the boardwalk in ocean city, maryland, people looked like they were ignoring social distancing guidelines, and not wearing masks.

Similar scenes played out around the country including hilton head, south carolina.

(sot john jenkins - hilton head beachgoer) "&it's scary to see the fact that no one's really doing the social distancing or wearing masks&" (track 3)in missouri party goers were shoulder to shoulder.

Federal health officials say they are concerned about the virus spreading in large crowds.

(sot birx )social distancing is absolutely critical.

And if you can't social distance and you're outside, you must wear a mask.

(track 4)health officials are concerned about spikes as states ease restrictions.

Washington, dc reported a small rise in cases, which could pose a setback for the city reopening.

(bridge elise preston/cbs news, mount vernon, ny)new york state is continuing to ease restrictions.

The new york city suburbs, including here in westchester county, are allowing some retailers to offer curbside pickup this week& select construction and manufacturing can resume as well.

(track 5)and in massachusetts, businesses including barber shops are back open today.

(sot gus romi) we are strictly appointment from now on.(track 6) &with restrictions in place.

Elise preston, cbs news, mount vernon, new york.

A specific population of animals are being greatly affected by the pandemic.

Northern white rhinos are nearly extinct and travel bans put in place because of coronavirus are hampering efforts to keep the species alive.

Scientists planned to collect eggs from the northern females in march but couldn't due to restrictions.

Researchers are testing southern female rhinos in the meantime but worry the northern females will get too old to use their eggs.

"for the two northern females they won't have a chance anymore to have babies in a natural way but the only hope is to save them through the scientific way called ivf."

Vigne says: "so there comes a time where we have to draw a line in the sand and say 'no more,' extinction has to be stopped and for us this is a good opportunity to try to do that."

Conservationist s are trying to inseminate eggs of two northern females, then transfer them to a southern white rhino.

Scientists came together from the czech republic-- germany--- and italy--and hope travel restrictions lighten up in august to resume the next key steps.

44news wants to give a big congratulation s to the class of 20-20.

The community is so proud of everything you have accomplished to get here -- and how you've handled the curve ball -- thrown late in the game.

If you haven't already - submit your senior photo to wevv dot com for a chance to win a five hundred dollar gift card.

Protesters are once again clashing with police on the streets of hong kong.

They're opposing new national security laws from the chinese government, which would limit civil liberties in the region.

Cbs correspondent ian lee reports.

(track one)the battle for democracy is once again playing out in the streets of hong kong.

Police fired tear gas, water canons, and pepper bullets to disperse thousands of protesters.

There's real anger here over a proposed law by china.

(nats) (track 2)demonstrators say the legislation will erode the city's one country two systems. the principal was agreed upon in 1997- keeping hong kong as a part of china, but allowing it to retain it's own government and economy.

(ap 4270677 :12 joshua wong, hong kong pro-democracy activist.)"we must stand up and fight, and let beijing know that we will never surrender.'' (track 3)last year, pro democracy protesters flooded the streets of hong kong...some peaceful, others violent...followe d by a landslide victory for their candidates in local elections.

(track 4)now, protesters are chanting for hong kong independence... (nats) ...something chinese officials call a red line.

(sot china commissioner of china's ministry of foreign affairs in hong kong, xie feng)''the hong kong independent separatists cannot be left unchecked, and the extremists cannot have a free pass to commit violent terrorist acts.'' (track 5)meanwhile the u-s is watching china's next move closely.

National security advisor robert o'brien says hong kong's future is at stake.

(sot robert o'brien - face the nation sunday)"i can't see how hong kong remains the asian financial center if the chinese communist party goes through and implements this national security law and takes over hong kong."

(track 6)the united states is threatening sanctions on china if the new law passes&.

China is warning the u-s not to undermine its interests in hong kong.

Ian lee cbs news london (track one)the battle for democracy is once again playing out in the streets of hong kong.

Police fired tear gas, water canons, and pepper bullets to disperse thousands of protesters.

There's real anger here over a proposed law by china.

(nats) (track 2)demonstrators say the legislation will erode the city's one country two systems. the principal was agreed upon in 1997- keeping hong kong as a part of china, but allowing it to retain it's own government and economy.

(ap 4270677 :12 joshua wong, hong kong pro-democracy activist.)"we must stand up and fight, and let beijing know that we will never surrender.'' (track 3)last year, pro democracy protesters flooded the streets of hong kong...some peaceful, others violent...followe d by a landslide victory for their candidates in local elections.

(track 4)now, protesters are chanting for hong kong independence... (nats) ...something chinese officials call a red line.

(sot china commissioner of china's ministry of foreign affairs in hong kong, xie feng)''the hong kong independent separatists cannot be left unchecked, and the extremists cannot have a free pass to commit violent terrorist acts.'' (track 5)meanwhile the u-s is watching china's next move closely.

National security advisor robert o'brien says hong kong's future is at stake.

(sot robert o'brien - face the nation sunday)"i can't see how hong kong remains the asian financial center if the chinese communist party goes through and implements this national security law and takes over hong kong."

(trac 6henid n tressarngheon ires hg ngiale wnwnvavie aho opangis a h he ia veooat copeland gives us a final check of your forecast..

Thanks for making us your choice in news i'll be back tonight with jessica hartman and the rest of the 44 news

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