Maxine Albert Remembers Curtis Ellis and China’s Global Strategy To Cripple America - Black & White
Maxine Albert Remembers Curtis Ellis and China’s Global Strategy To Cripple America - Black & White

Dan chats with Maxine Albert, wife of Curtis Ellis, who wrote Pandemonium: China's Global Strategy to Cripple America.

The book was written by Curtis Ellis, an economic nationalist, a former senior Trump adviser, and The senior policy director for America First policies, who died from cancer in early 2021, leaving the book in manuscript form.

Ms. Albert shepherded the book through the publishing project and the book is now available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Ms. Albert is a well-known writer.

She was a columnist for Elle Magazine and is now a leading public-speaking consultant.

Her work also has appeared in Glamour, Cosmopolitan, and the Wall Street Journal.