Biden DOJ Caught In Another Lie About Investigating Concerned Parents As 'Domestic Terrorists'
Biden DOJ Caught In Another Lie About Investigating Concerned Parents As 'Domestic Terrorists'

The Biden administration has made it plainly clear they consider traditional Catholics and concerned parents 'domestic terrorists', and will lie about the fact they used the power of the government to conduct surveillance on school board meetings.

They won't classify antisemitic attacks as domestic terrorism, but will say targeting Catholics was 'unintentional' only to turn around and say physical fitness is a sign of possible extremism and white supremacy.

So it should come as no surprise that the DOJ lied -- yet again -- about this entire issue, and that a freedom of information (FOIA) request revealed about 600 agents were ordered to look into parents by Merrick Garland and the DOJ.

-- AG Garland DENIED going after parents as domestic terrorists… New FOIA docs reveals a whopping ~600 officials instructed by Garland to “look into” parents across the country.

Astounding find by PublicsTrust.