'Robust and healthy': Southern resident orca Tahlequah’s newest calf confirmed to be a male

'Robust and healthy': Southern resident orca Tahlequah’s newest calf confirmed to be a male



It's been a rough year, but not all news in 2020 is bad. Earlier this month, researchers stated that Southern Resident orca J35 (also known as Tahlequah) gave birth to a calf, and newly released photos confirm that the newest member of the J pod is a healthy male. The calf, identified as J57, was spotted off the coast of Point Roberts this week and researcher were able to identify his sex. Estimated to be born around Sept. 4 or so, the calf was seen rolling and swimming alongside his mother who was foraging for food. Tahlequah made international headlines in 2018 when she carried the body of her female calf, which died within an hour of birth, on her back or near her fin for 17 days and over 1,000 miles before letting it go. Her swim caught the attention of millions around the world as her act of grieving went on for days, then weeks.

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