How to Improve Your Respiratory Health in Case You Get COVID-19
How to Improve Your Respiratory Health in Case You Get COVID-19

How to Improve Your Respiratory Health in Case You Get COVID-19 Since the novel coronavirus is a respiratory virus, the condition of your lungs has a huge impact on how vulnerable you are.

Here are some ways to strengthen your respiratory health.

Stop Smoking Smoking and vaping cause irritation in the lungs that may lead to adverse effects by destroying lung tissue where air exchange occurs.

Exercise Exercise can improve respiratory capacity or breathing ability, which results in stronger lungs and more protection against infections.

Reduce excess mucus buildup Taking a hot shower or using a hot towel compress will cause the steam to mix with mucus to thin it out.

Minimize exposure to allergens Cleaning, maintaining air filters and using medication to deal with allergies will keep you from touching or rubbing your nose.