Beauty blogger reveals how to tell whether a cosmetic product is already expired
Beauty blogger reveals how to tell whether a cosmetic product is already expired

A word of caution: Always checkthe manufacture date of a cosmeticproduct before buying it.Unfortunately, as beauty blogger Canon Ryderpointed out on TikTok, many third-party discountretailers sell items that are extremely expired.In his video, Ryder explains that all you needis a product’s batch number and you can determineexactly when it was manufactured.Using the website,Ryder looks up the manufacture date ofan Olay moisturizer being sold at TJ Maxx.Once he enters the brand and batchcode he learns that the product being sold wasactually allegedly manufactured in January 2011.It’s unclear why TJ Maxx would be sellingbeauty products that are almost a decade old.Many users were naturally disturbedby this new information.“That should be illegal,”one person said.“I’m not even into cosmetics like that butthis is so interesting,” another added