Rare video captures snow leopard's call in the wild
Rare video captures snow leopard's call in the wild

Do you know what a snow leopard's call in the wild sounds like?

I'm guessing you didn't imagine him sounding like this.

The White Lion Foundation recently released this footage from Northern Pakistan's Karakoram Mountains.

This is a rare video as snow leopards are by nature elusive and solitary, only coming together to mate and raise young.

The adult male is exercising his vocal calls to establish territory and to let females know he is in the area.

Sadly, this stunning snow leopard is one of the world’s most endangered big cats.

There are an estimated 4,000 to 7,500 left in the wild, and over the last decade an average of one a day is believed to have been killed.

Many leopards die at the hands of poachers and the illegal trade, but more than half are killed in retaliation for attacks on local herder’s livestock.