Austria to drop most COVID restrictions on March 5

Austria to drop most COVID restrictions on March 5


BERLIN (AP) — The Austrian government said Wednesday that it plans to end the country's main COVID-19 restrictions on March 5, though wearing masks will remain obligatory in some places.

Chancellor Karl Nehammer announced the decision at a news conference in Vienna, stressing that the pandemic is not yet over but the situation allows Austria to open up step by step.

In a first step starting Saturday, proof of vaccination or recent recovery will no longer be required to attend events, go to restaurants, bars or hairdressers and various other activities. Proof of a negative test will suffice for those things.

From March 5, most restrictions will be dropped, with night clubs reopening and restrictions on opening hours for restaurants and bars ending.

Nehammer said that a requirement to wear protective FFP2 masks will remain in place where it is necessary to protect the most vulnerable, including in public transport, essential shops and pharmacies.

Health Minister Wolfgang Mueckstein said he can't promise that tougher measures won't be required again in the future.


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