Meet the coaches helping businesses to soar in 2021

Meet the coaches helping businesses to soar in 2021



London, Feb. 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) // Entrepreneurship is on the rise — but whilst taking the leap to be your own boss can be the start of an incredible adventure, the reality is that starting and maintaining a successful business can be extremely tough.

Overwhelm, confusion and a lack of accountability lead to the end of so many business owners’ journeys — which is why guidance, a trusted support and an experienced sounding board are of the utmost importance for entrepreneurs looking to take things to the next level according to Bloom Communications.

Take a look at the coaches helping businesses to soar this year.

*Dallas Gordon *(@coachdallasgordon)

Maryland-based Dallas Gordon teaches marketing mastery to digitalpreneurs looking to attract their perfect clients and boost their product sales online.

Dallas explains: “So many of the online entrepreneurs I work with are dreaming of seeing their sales soar but struggle with the same things —  a lack of clarity, brand messaging, attracting traffic and growing awareness around their offers. That’s where I come in — helping them to position themselves in the right way and hit those revenue goals that have always felt out of reach until now.”

Dallas owns an office supply company for women where entrepreneurs and journal lovers can get their hands on her subscription box, The Journal Junk Box. She also owns The Profit Freedom Tribe Academy — an online school and community for entrepreneurs.

She adds: “Seeing people transform their lives and income as a result of my business is the most amazing feeling — whether it’s the moment someone receives and a box and it makes their day or when they start seeing success far beyond anything they thought they were capable of. I can’t wait to teach even more entrepreneurs to build, grow and scale profitable online businesses and create the lives they’re dreaming of.”

*Breanna Gunn *(@thebreannagunn)

Michigan-based Content Marketing and Business Strategy Coach, Breanna Gunn, helps introverted entrepreneurs to sell more courses, sign more clients and increase their visibility.

Breanna said: “I started my business in January 2010 after deciding I wanted to create a life where I could be available for my kids — and I’ve never looked back.

“My big passion is helping introverted business owners achieve the success they know they’re capable of. It doesn’t matter if you’re not the loudest person in the room — as long as you have a customised lead generation system that practically works on autopilot for you, you can sign your dream clients with complete and total ease.”

Breanna’s group coaching program, LinkedIn Launch Lab, is designed to help business owners to sign clients in less than 90 days through her unique blend of content marketing and business strategy.

Breanna added: “Seeing my clients step into their awesomeness never gets old, whether it’s helping them to create content in a way that really sells themselves to easily and confidently showing up on sales calls. One of my clients even messaged me to say they’d made $30,000 each month that they’d worked with me and even increased their annual income from the previous year by $50,000 — so the sky’s the limit!”

*Kristyn Burney* (@kristynburney)

Kristyn Burney is a serial entrepreneur and business coach based in Atlanta, Georgia, helping creative entrepreneurs, artists and handmade sellers to build businesses that serve them on their deepest level through her unique combination of passion, focus and systems.

Kristyn said: “My clients are multi-passionate and have big dreams of making a huge impact and serving their purpose — but the reality of their day-to-day feels more like being flooded with wonderful ideas, full of overwhelm, and with no idea where to start.”

“I help them to eliminate what no longer serves them and give them daily actionable steps so they’re moving towards their greater purpose and goals, teaching them how to be productive — not just busy.”

After having a successful career as a hairdresser and salon owner for 17 years, Kristyn hung up her shears to raise her 2 children full time. It was then that she realized she couldn’t put this entrepreneurial spirit to sleep and started her Etsy shop in 2015.

She quickly grew her business to become fully self-sufficient, working less than 5 hours a week on her shop while still making a full time income. She loves to teach other creative entrepreneurs how to have a business that feeds their soul as much as their bank account.

Clients can work with Kristyn in 90-minute intensives or a 1:1 90 day program. She also has self-paced courses; The Art of Instagram and The Instagram Live Market Course.

*Regina Silva *(@reginaosilva)

A spiritual awakening in 2018 prompted Regina Silva to follow her lifelong dreams of soulful entrepreneurship, which saw her pack up her LA apartment and head off on a solo backpacking trip in Southeast Asia.

Today, the mindset and business coach for coaches, healers and lightworkers lives a digital nomad lifestyle, teaching women how to scale their online businesses to 6 figures in alignment with their life’s mission and purpose.

Regina commented: “A lot of people think that scaling a coaching business is just about nailing the strategy — but I really believe that growing your business to 6 figures and developing spiritually are two parts of the same journey.

“By helping my clients connect to their highest Self and teaching the same spiritually-infused mindset, marketing and sales strategies that I used to scale my own business to 6-figures in less than a year, they’re able to take major leaps towards creating the impactful and abundant life they’re dreaming of.”

Clients can work with Regina in her 8-week signature program, The Unstoppable Creator Blueprint, 3-month group experience, The Unstoppable Creator Mastermind, or a high-level 3-month 1:1 VIP experience.

*Anna Frandsen (@anna.frandsen)*

Heart-centered entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses, find ultimate stability and freedom and create a life and business they love will meet their perfect match with San Diego-based Business Coach & Mentor, Anna Frandsen.

Anna said: “When I first meet my clients, so many of them tell me that they’ve hit a plateau with their traction online, feel completely overwhelmed with needing to do all of the things and struggle making sales without feeling icky.

“I get it — I started my business on the side when I was working my day job as a therapist and felt so stuck until I committed to simple visibility and heart-centered sales strategies. Now, I love helping my clients do the same — creating consistent momentum and income in their businesses.

“Watching them live their dreams fills me with pride — from getting their first client to becoming fully booked, quitting their day jobs to buying their dream house — it’s all possible when you follow the right path for you and have the support system you need to get you there.”

Anna works with her clients through 1:1 coaching packages, her Sell with Heart Mastermind and her 6-week bootcamp, Visible Impact. Business owners can also benefit from her simple strategies and mindset hacks by subscribing to her podcast, The Heart-Centered Entrepreneur.

*Teonna Dyer-Johnson *(@teonnadyerjohnson)

Teonna Dyer-Johnson helps established entrepreneurs break through self-imposed barriers using her unique blend of woo-woo and realness — giving her clients exactly what they need to find alignment, maintain bliss and become the wealthiest, highest version of themselves.

Teonna commented: “My clients are overachievers who are usually a couple of years into their entrepreneurial journey with their sights on some pretty big goals. I help them to work through the limiting beliefs that are stopping them from getting to the next level — many of which have been ingrained in them since childhood — by clearing out the mental clutter, releasing past disappointments and reframing their stories so they can own their true identity and bridge the gap between who they are now and who they want to be.”

After launching her coaching business in 2017, the Washington DC-based Mindset & Alignment Coach for entrepreneurs developed her signature strategy that took her to multiple 6-figures while also being a full-time mom.

Teonna added: “As well as coffee being a non-negotiable for me everyday, my experience has taught me the importance of prioritizing and overcoming the urge to constantly do more just for the sake of feeling accomplished.

“I’ve seen so many passionate business owners get stuck in the cycle of always creating something new or perfecting something else — and inadvertently looking to the future so much that they forget to enjoy the moment they’re in right now. All of your power is in this moment. My approach meant I could be fully present at home while also showing up and being authentic in my business, even becoming a recipient of the 2018 Women Doing It Big Awards — so I KNOW this stuff works!”

*Katy Stuart *(@_katystuart)

Florida-based Holistic Business Coach, Katy Stuart, is a firm believer that when good women make good money, they can change the world — and she’s on a mission to make sure they feel empowered enough to get there.

Katy said: “I help female coaches and entrepreneurs in the online space to grow profitable, freedom-filled businesses. So many of my clients feel overwhelmed and out of alignment — like their business is duct taped together. I help them get to that next level by walking them through the exact steps I took to grow my business as quickly as I did whilst staying in their own magic.”

Since launching her coaching business in August 2020, Katy hit 5-figures within her very first month, and has continued to expand from there.

Katy added: “Not only have I continued to hit my big profit goals, but I’m having fun doing it. As well as a business owner, I’m a present wife and mother — and I feel like I’ve truly designed and created my dream life. I want my clients and community to know that if I did it, so can they, and that I’m here to guide them there.”

Katy specializes in teaching women to quantum leap their business success with sustainable and scalable profits. She concluded:

“The secret is in understanding that female entrepreneurs are constantly bombarded by noise and all of the ‘shoulds’ coming at them from every corner of the online business world. My work is all about overcoming the problem of feeling paralyzed  and cutting through that chaos to create a results-driven strategy for authentic, profitable and freedom-filled businesses.”

*Hannah Fox *(@mumbossmovement)

Hannah Fox is no stranger to the overwhelm of the early days in a new business, after launching her first company three years ago whilst heavily pregnant and also working full-time.

Hannah said: “I had just £150 to invest into my new business when I started Plastics Free, and I didn’t really have a clue about starting a business or anyone I could ask for help from. I found the sheer volume of advice available online — most of which just wasn’t relevant for me — completely overwhelming, so I decided to go it alone.

“I made every mistake under the sun, but I also ended up getting a lot right too — so much so that I hit 6-figures within the first 10 months. Now I’m committed to being the help and support I wish I’d had when I was just starting out. I’ve been in my clients shoes and have done all the things in my biz — so I really am best placed to help them in all aspects of their new start-up.”

Based in her coastal home in Cornwall, Hannah helps women who are in the early stages of their business — from the ideas phase to newly launched — through workshops and a variety of 1:1 coaching packages.

Hannah added: “My clients and I work together to move them from having little to no customers and static social media followers to watching the sales roll in and their audience growing on autopilot. The best part is seeing them transform from lost, frustrated and overwhelmed to confident, knowledgeable and backed up by a clear plan — the sky’s the limit from there!”

*Sarah Jansel *(@sarahjansel)

eCommerce Business Owner and Coach, Sarah Jansel, left her 20-year corporate career in HR and Operations in 2020 on a mission to help entrepreneurs take their businesses online.

Sarah said: “My work is all about helping new and existing business owners to build flexible, scaleable, easy-to-use online stores on Shopify, supporting them from creation right through to launch. These proven strategies and systems are the exact ones I use every day in my own successful online boutique, Sadi & Sari.”

From farms to fitness brands, Sarah’s clients come from all walks of life — and are all looking to bring their product businesses online to futureproof, protect and scale their businesses.

Sarah added: “My process walks my clients through the exact steps they need to take to bring their expertise online and into the hands of their ideal customer. We cover the key components to any successful online business — automation, branding and marketing — allowing them to save time by focusing less on manual activities and more on what they do best.”

Clients can benefit from Sarah’s guidance and support through the Successful Shop Academy — her coaching program which supports new shop owners to build and launch a successful online store in 6 weeks — as well as her Facebook group, Simplify Shopify Community, packed with free weekly masterclasses. Sarah also takes on a select number of ‘done-for-you’ clients where she creates, launches and optimizes stores for ultimate success.

You can keep up with each of these inspirational coaches curated by Bloom Communications on their journeys by following them on Instagram.

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*Contact:* Amy Williams
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· Business Coaches

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