Marc Zboch Academic Scholarship Announces its Third Annual Award for 2023



*Students Wanting to enter public service careers are encouraged to enter this academic scholarship offering a $1000 award.*

*DAYTONA, FL / ACCESSWIRE / March 21, 2022 / *Students who are interested in public service and giving back to the community should consider applying for the Marc Zboch Academic Scholarship for the academic year 2023-24.

This is the third year that the scholarship has been offered, and previous recipients have gone on to successful careers in public service and advanced to graduate-level studies.

The scholarship is worth a generous $1,000 for one academic year. The award is applied directly to the winning student's tuition and fees. It may not be withdrawn to pay for other expenses.

Students from a broad range of educational and socioeconomic backgrounds are encouraged to apply for this scholarship. The scholarship is available to all eligible U.S. college and university students regardless of their GPA or academic standing, their educational field of study, or their socioeconomic status.

The scholarship is awarded on the basis of the applicant's 400- to 500-word essay on the topic "Describe a time when you made sacrifices to help others." Ideally, students will reflect on their activities and show their level of experience with public service.

The deadline to apply for the next scholarship cycle is February 1, 2023.

*About the Scholarship*

This scholarship is not a need-based award or based on academic merit. This is because Marc Zboch believes that students from all backgrounds can be inspired to lead lives in service of others if they are given the proper encouragement. Since the scholarship is open to all, Marc Zboch hopes to attract a diverse slate of applicants with many different ways to solve society's difficulties.

The scholarship was first offered in 2021 and is in its third year. Previous winners were 2022's Lorenzo Cinalli, a graduate student in environmental resource policy from The George Washington University, and 2021's Tiffany Eneuro from the University of Houston.

Cinalli writes that "the Marc Zboch Academic Scholarship will be a critical piece of the puzzle that allows me to continue to pursue my educational goals."

Students who succeed in obtaining this scholarship have shown that they are bright, articulate, and dedicated to concepts of public service in their own lives. These students have shown an exemplary dedication to making the world a better place.

*Media Contact:*

NAME: Corinne Gibbs

*SOURCE:* Marc Zboch Academic Scholarship
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