Pope Francis expresses closeness to Chinese Catholics who suffer (Vatican News)

Pope Francis expresses closeness to Chinese Catholics who suffer (Vatican News)

Catholic Culture


“Today is the World Day of Prayer for the Catholic Church in China,” Pope Francis said on May 24, following his general audience. “It coincides with the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Help of Christians, venerated and invoked at the Shrine of Our Lady of Sheshan in Shanghai.”

“On this occasion, I wish to offer an assurance of my remembrance and express my closeness to our brothers and sisters in China, sharing in their joys and hopes,” he continued. “I turn my thoughts especially to all those who suffer, pastors and faithful, that in the communion and solidarity of the universal Church they may experience consolation and encouragement.”

“And I invite everyone to raise their prayers to God that the Good News of Christ crucified and risen may be proclaimed in its fullness, beauty, and freedom, bearing fruit for the good of the Catholic Church and all of Chinese society,” he added.

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