Vatican launches 'Family Global Compact' (Vatican News)

Vatican launches 'Family Global Compact' (Vatican News)

Catholic Culture


On May 30 the Vatican launched a new initiative to promote strong family life, the Family Global Compact.

An initiative of the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life, the Family Global Compact was launched with a statement of support from Pope Francis, who said that the health of the family is “decisive for the future of the world and that of the Church.”

The goal of the initiative is “to enable the pastoral care of families in the particular Churches to benefit from the research and the educational and training programs in Catholic universities.” Toward that end the project will link with Catholic research centers, encourage their work on family life, and make their latest findings available to pastors.

Pope Francis said: “Catholic universities have the task of developing in-depth theological, philosophical, legal, sociological and economic analyses of marriage and the family, in order to uphold their importance within contemporary systems of thought and action.”

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