RIP Samsung Galaxy Note



We’ve known for a while that the Galaxy Note was no longer part of Samsung’s long-term plans, but many people out there were still hoping the company would bring back this popular model sooner or later. Needless to say, there was hope a new Note would see the daylight this year after skipping a refresh in 2021. But as it turns out, this would no longer be the case. Samsung’s head of mobile experience, Roh Tae-moon, said in a recent interview that everything you loved on the Galaxy Note would make its way to the Galaxy Ultra. In fact, the way he said it pretty much confirmed the Note itself is a thing of the past. The Galaxy Note will live as Ultra, he suggested in his statement. All bets on the Galaxy Ultra Indeed, Samsung has been working around the clock on bringing the best of the Galaxy Note to the Galaxy Ultra, and the S22 is the living proof in this regard. “At Samsung, we constan...

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