Today’s best game deals: Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening $38, Celeste $4, more

Today’s best game deals: Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening $38, Celeste $4, more



This is the place to find all of the best price drops on Nintendo Switch titles as well as a series of Xbox and PlayStation releases everyday of the week. While we are still tracking a series of notable new year deals on Switch games courtesy of Amazon and the eShop, Walmart is now offering an even better deal on the wonderful Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening remake. You can now score a digital copy of this one for your Switch library for *$37.98*. Regularly $60 and currently on sale for $42 at Amazon, this is an additional $4 off, one of the lowest totals we have tracked outside of the limited Black Friday offers, and a solid opportunity to finally give this one a go. Remade from the ground up for Switch, this version of Link’s Awakening presents a gorgeous, almost diorama-like art style alongside all of the classic gameplay action the original brought to Game Boy back in 1993. Link washes up on the shores of the mysterious island of Koholint where players must explore dungeons to “rouse the legendary Wind Fish” and finally get back home.* *Head below for the rest of today’s best Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox game deals. 


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