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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Students Adjust To First Day Of Online Learning

Credit: WAAY ABC Huntsville, AL
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Students Adjust To First Day Of Online Learning
Students Adjust To First Day Of Online Learning
Madison County Schools have started their blended learning program

Numbers new at ten.

Today marked the beginning of a new form of learning for the madison county school system.

The district's blended learning plan went into effect.

Students were provided access to online assignments.

Those who don't have internet were provided with lesson packets.

Waay31's steven dilsizian joins us live after speaking with students about day one.

Instead of waking up early, and hopping on a bus to school, madison county students rolled out of bed and logged into class.

I talked with two high schoolers about how the first day went and the challenges they faced.

Take sot: dylan selvage - junior at new hope high school "you gotta get online, watch a video, and figure out all the answers for yourself, so you don't have a teacher to ask questions, and be like can you help me find this in the book, or video, you gotta find it for yourself" dylan selvage is a junior at new hope high school.

He's one of nearly 20 thousand students in the madison county school district who will finish the school year online, due to the coronavirus.

Take sot: dylan selvage - junior at new hope high school "i always dread getting up for school but after this, i'd rather be in class!"

Selvage says his first assignments weren't hard, just different.

Anthony harbin is a sophomore at hazel green high school and agrees.

Take sot: anthony harbin - sophomore at hazel green high school "it's less pressure to finish it, than it would be in school, so it feels like it's more about learning, than the grade" but he says the challenge is in communication.... take sot: anthony harbin - sophomore at hazel green high school "if you don't understand something, it's hard, sometimes its hard to explain it over devices instead of in person where teachers explain something to you" harbin says he misses being in the classroom, learning hands- on, with other students surrounding him.

The learning has changed, but the students are positive.

Take sot: dylan selvage - junior at new hope high school "i think it's going to work out for us, for the best, in the end" the school district says 70 percent of students use the online program, 30 percent are using hard copy packets.

The district website says this program is quote "all about equity" and serves every child.

In mad co

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