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Sunday, June 2, 2024

JTS Mortgage Minute 05/05/20 - Be Prepared

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JTS Mortgage Minute 05/05/20 - Be Prepared
JTS Mortgage Minute 05/05/20 - Be Prepared

Jeff Farnham of JTS & Co.

Mortgage Professionals informs us that, although the housing market has faced its greatest challenge the past couple of months during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are glimmers of hope on the horizon such as the stabilization of mortgage rates.

Jeff also gives tips on how to ensure you get the best options when looking to purchase or refinance a home.

Now is an ideal time to get pre-qualified.

Brittney brown >> from the bars we complained to the first half of the year and we believe we are starting to see the light of the little although it will take some time for time to fully bounce back we should see recovery story started half of 2020 mortgage rates are stabilized over the past few weeks as the market searches for direction as a result refinance activity remains high as does the interest in buying or selling a home and demanding the places should drive sales harder over time now is the time each representation place because we're back in full swing of things mark is going to move fast people's reasons for refinancing buying or selling a home are different is on the conference no matter where you are in the decision to refinance or purchase home i will share in common roadblocks to and toward if you plan to buy the near future don't buy the ticket items such as cars boats are expensive furniture to inquiries and recent recent purchases on the credit report and hurt your credit score and preprint you can qualify for home loan don't quit or switched jobs is solid to your employment history to qualify although as long as you're in the same line of work changing job is allowed and will negatively affect employment history don't open the closing lines of credit do either of these could adversely affect removal credit amount which will also bring the score down the course don't pay your bills like this will deftly affect the credit the supplies and utility bills as well as lines of credit left sitdown discussion of current situation long-term goals and what's the best path to your mortgage hhs and company will our customers goals needs to take care of throughout your moisture remember there's more to do more than just pushing a button and a small working local so beneficial to us a call and let us help you your home buying refinance plans to adjust the company's local trusted and experienced with american homeownership easy since 1996 thank you for joining the value of the shrew to

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