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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Family mourn death of transport worker spat on by virus carrier

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Family mourn death of transport worker spat on by virus carrier
Family mourn death of transport worker spat on by virus carrier

A woman who worked at one of London's busiest rail stations has died after having previously been spat at by a man who said he had the new coronavirus, her union said on Tuesday.

Soraya Ali reports.

The family of Belly Mujinga -- the London transport worker who tragically died of COVID-19 after being spat on -- are hoping lessons can be learned from her death.

Speaking next to Belly’s 11-year-old daughter, her cousin Agnes said more needs to be done to protect key workers.

"And protecting others you know for, we've got already one victim I think they (Govia Thameslink Railway) should protect the ones still working now.

We can't have Belly anymore, we still cry and still mourning.

Especially for the little one here, she won't have her mummy anymore, she won't have her mummy, she's always with her mummy.

It's just..." 47-year-old Belly was working in the ticket office of London's Victoria station when a man who claimed to have COVID-19 spat on her and a female colleague.

Within days both women fell ill and Belly, who had underlying respiratory problems died after being put on a ventilator.

Speaking to the houses of parliament, Prime Minister Boris Johnson had this to say: "Yesterday Mr. Speaker this house learnt of the tragic death of Belly Mujinga; the fact that she was abused while doing her job is utterly appalling.

My thoughts and I'm sure the thoughts of the whole House are with her family." British Transport Police have launched an investigation into the incident.

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