Driver dangerously drives through protest crowd in Asheville, North Carolina
Driver dangerously drives through protest crowd in Asheville, North Carolina

A pickup truck drove through a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters on Tuesday (June 9) in Asheville, North Carolina.

The 50-second clip filmed by a protester who was standing further back from the crowd shows the car proceeding to force its way through the crowd before the protesters start blocking it.

The truck is then seen speeding left, away from the crowd.

The filmer, Jen explained the situation to Newsflare: "This person came out of a parking lot and wanted to turn right - directly into the protestors.

"There was plenty of space to turn left, but he wouldn't turn left, despite being guided by protest volunteers.

He kept creeping into the crowd, so protesters pushed back, telling him to TURN LEFT, TURN LEFT.

"Finally, when people were throwing water bottles at his truck, he dangerously sped through the crowd."