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Global Edition
Sunday, June 2, 2024

4th Plans

Credit: WCBI
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4th Plans
4th Plans
Folks are loading up their cars with food and fireworks for the Fourth of July.

Folks are loading up with cars, food, and fireworks for the fourth of july.

Our stephanie poole visits a few stores on the holiday foot traffic.

She joins us in the studio with more on how people are celebrating// joey, dozens of people are out getting ready to celebrate the 4th but this year due to covid19, people will celebrate a little differenly// and the top priority on everyone's list seems to be fireworks and safety.

As colors light up the sky on the 4th of july, you may be watching it from your car this year.

At least, that's the plan the starkville city council has made for citizens.

" due to covid, we're not going to have vendors, we're not going to have jumpers and full events but we are going to have the fireworks."

Mayor lynn spruill says for safety concerns, they're using an alternative way families can still celebrate the holiday...with a drive-up light show.

" people can park and sit in the bed of the truck or listen to it, we're going to have music that goes with it and be synced with it.

It's just a real quick enjoyment of fireworks.

Sort of traditional but not our normal."

For families planning to use fireworks in their backyards, visiting orbit fireworks is a must.

Employee candi nabors says the foot traffic has been non-stop since monday.

" the sales have been good, everybody is coming out.

Of course we've all been quarantined in, so everybody is ready to get out and pop some firecrackers and enjoy the nice day we've been having."

And a large crowd means mandatory prep.

" we've been getting the register set-up for the customers, getting all the stuff out so everybody can come in and do what they need to do and have a good time.

" butt sots "we've had a pretty good crowd everyday so that's great for our business.

I'm hoping it'll stay that way."

The fireworks show begins at 9pm at the starkville sportsplex.

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