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Monday, June 3, 2024

Tracing Covid-19

Credit: WTVQ Lexington, KY
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Tracing Covid-19
Tracing Covid-19
Christy story at 5p

Covid-19 coronavirus 6.jpg as schools and universities open, it has become one of the most significant parts of stopping the spread of the coronavirus.

But few people understand it.

Abc 36's christy bollinger tells us how contact tracing works and why it's so important.


Advisor, cabinet for health and family services l3: coronavirus outbreak white how contact tracing works l3 christy: coronavirus outbreak white l3: coronavirus outbreak white how contact tracing works when someone tests positive for an infectious disease, like covid..

A contact tracer basically becomes an investigator.

Tracer-mark carter"contact tracing in particular has been used by health departments probably since there were health departments."

When the health department confirms a case, a contact tracer goes to work finding out who else might've been exposed... carter"we'll say that you've came in contact with someone that's tested positive, what you need to do to protect your own health and then what you need to do to protect your loved ones."

Christy"contact tracers will call you and ask questions about your health, where you've been, and who you've met."

It's a important call that people must take seriously.

"when they get that call their mind immediately goes to oh i'm gonna have to miss work or are they gonna separate me from my children."

Health officials say tracers are reaching about 70 percent of people...and most people cooperate.

The biggest issue is dealing with clusters like nursing homes, factories and businesses.

"and how do you work with them, and ya know balance the need to maintain privacy with the need to inform."

Kentucky has 1,075 tracers..

And may add 250 more.

It's not easy ... calling, waiting for call backs, paperwork on dozens of cases... but it's making the health system much better in the long run.

"we'll have a single system in place when this is all said and done that's been focused on covid but can be used for any kind of contact tracing."

Christy bollinger, abc 36 news.

Carter says contact tracing is

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