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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Call For Action After UAH Police Incident

Credit: WAAY ABC Huntsville, AL
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Call For Action After UAH Police Incident
Call For Action After UAH Police Incident
Call For Action After UAH Police Incident

Begins at 8 on thursday.

New tonight -- for the first time the mother of a high school student shares her story with us...after her son was allegedly taunted by university of alabama in huntsville campus police.

This comes two weeks after police pulled over the black teenager on campus for a broken tail light.

His mother says they told him to get out of the car -and asked him inappropriate questions.

Waay 31's casey albritton spoke to the mother and learned how she's responding.

Chanda crutcher/ parent "i'm tired.

And i think my weariness is consistent with the weariness of the black community and of black moms everywhere."

Chandra crutcher says her 17-year-old son caleb usually drives through u-a-h to get home from his part time job.

Chanda crutcher/ parent "he was pulled over by a u-a-h police officer."

She says an officer then started asking her son disturbing questions.

Chanda crutcher/ parent "do you have any weed in the car, when caleb responded no sir, he began to bagger him about that.

It escalated to being, do you have crack in the car, and finally what was so gut-wrenching, is when he said do you have a dead prostitute in the car?"

On october 14th-- u-a-h president darren dawson sent this statement--saying "the words and actions by uah police during a traffic stop on october 3, 2020, do not represent who we are as an institution" and while crutcher says she is glad the university acknowledged how the situation was handled was wrong--she wants to see more done.

Chanda crutcher/ parent "annual symposiums on diversity and get nationally known subject matter experts that can come in and teach us how to be better together.

She says she wants campus police to be held accountable.

Chanda crutcher/ parent "our young men are being emotionally traumatized again and again as they are put in these situations that i believe are completely avoidable."

On monday, the university sent at statement saying it is reviewing uahpd policies and forming a committee of campus partners to review them as well.

It's something crutcher says she will believe when she sees it happen.

Chanda crutcher/ parent "make us feel safe in our community.

I'm weary.

I'm carefully optimistic that change will come, but i'm so sad that it's not here yet."

In huntsville, casey albritton, waay 31 news.

The teenager is not a student at u-a-h... his mother says he usually drives through campus as a short cut to get home from his part-time job.

The university says it will increase awareness on the ways

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