Punxsutawney Phil Predicts 6 More Weeks of Winter
Punxsutawney Phil Predicts 6 More Weeks of Winter

Punxsutawney Phil Predicts 6 More Weeks of Winter.

The famous groundhog saw his shadow at 7:25 a.m.

On Feb.

2 at Gobbler's Knob in Pennsylvania.

16 members of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club were present for the 135th celebration of Groundhog Day.

Now, when I turn to see, there's a perfect shadow cast of me.

Six more weeks of winter there will be, Punxsutawney Phil's handler, via ceremony.

Winter will officially come to an end on March 20, but several states often have their snowiest time after Groundhog Day.

In the last decade, Phil has only been accurate about 50% of the time.

Other states have their own groundhogs they use for winter predictions.

According to CNN, Nebraska's Unadilla Bill has one of the highest accuracy ratings