Moviegoers laud Parineeti's acting in 'Saina'
Moviegoers laud Parineeti's acting in 'Saina'

Movie 'Saina' starring Parineeti Chopra was released in theatres on March 26.

'Saina' traces ace badminton player Saina Nehwal's journey of becoming a world champion.

The sports biopic also depicts Saina's bond with her parents and touches upon gender related taboos in our society.

While speaking to media, a moviegoer said, "The film is absolutely phenomenal and I request the audience to watch this movie as it is an inspiring story.

The level of acting of Parineeti Chopra in this film is better and she has already proved herself." Another moviegoer added, "From starting to end the film is really good.

Parineeti Chopra in 'Saina' movie has proved that she is a fabulous actress and she has portrayed the role of Saina Nehwal in a good way.

The overall direction of the movie is superb." One more cinema lover told media, "Parineeti Chopra has justified the role of Saina Nehwal in this movie.

She has done the homework for this film very well."