New Video Evidence Shows Nonbinary Teen Started The Fight And Was Fine, With A Few Scrapes & Bruises
New Video Evidence Shows Nonbinary Teen Started The Fight And Was Fine, With A Few Scrapes & Bruises

Not Even Video Evidence is Enough.

Judd Legum's Gotcha Video of Nonbinary Teen Backfires BIG Time: The journey from those first articles featuring headlines about Republicans passing anti-LGBTQ bathroom laws and 'now a nonbinary teen is dead,' to now seems so very long ago.

It's only been a week.

The death of Dagny Benedict has ignited a cultural movement of outrage and passionate activism on the left, but for those on the right, it's been a relentless struggle to get the basic facts above the raging waters of narrative.

But now there's video.

One would think this would be enough to settle some of the bigger questions and put much of the speculation to rest, but it seems to have only fueled the fires more.

Judd Legum, who likes to think of himself as a journalist, posted what he was certain would be a groundbreaking fracture in the case, proving without a doubt the victim status of Benedict.