10/3 podcast: What a Joe Biden presidency means for Canadian oil

10/3 podcast: What a Joe Biden presidency means for Canadian oil

National Post


As a candidate for U.S. president, Joe Biden talked about wanting to get the country off its dependency on oil.

But how things will actually play out under President Biden — and what this means for Canada’s energy sector — is still up in the air.

Will that stance mean less U.S. oil production, which means an opportunity for Canadian companies? Could Alberta’s oil be hit with a cross-border carbon tax? And where does a green new deal fit in?

Geoffrey Morgan, who covers energy and power for The Financial Post, joins Dave by phone to talk about the ramifications of a Biden presidency for Alberta oil, the Keystone XL pipeline and how it could force Justin Trudeau and Jason Kenney to work together for the sake of the energy sector.

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