Silvio Berlusconi, scandal-scarred ex-Italian leader, dies at 86

Silvio Berlusconi, scandal-scarred ex-Italian leader, dies at 86


Silvio Berlusconi, the boastful billionaire media mogul who was Italy’s longest-serving premier despite scandals over his sex-fueled parties and allegations of corruption and bribery, has died at age 86. To his admirers, the three-time premier was a capable and charismatic statesman who elevated Italy on the world stage. To critics, he was a populist who threatened to undermine democracy by wielding political power as a tool to enrich himself and his businesses. The conservative Forza Italia political party he founded in the 1990s has seen its fortunes wane as more far-right parties gained favor. It was a coalition partner with current Premier Giorgia Meloni. Supporters applauded as his body arrived Monday at his villa outside Milan from the city’s San Raffaele Hospital.

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