Ciaran Lavery, Soft Sports Combine On 'I Love The Inevitability Of Death'

Ciaran Lavery, Soft Sports Combine On 'I Love The Inevitability Of Death'



A wry, dark, but ultimately uplifting song...

Songwriter *Ciaran Lavery* combines with Brighton duo *Soft Sports* on new song 'I Love The Inevitability Of Death'.

The partnership was forged over lockdown, and it's resulted in Ciaran Lavery's music going in a multitude of different directions.

New single 'I Love The Inevitability Of Death' may have a foreboding title, but it's actually a wry look at some of life's more vital qualities.

Uplifting in a very acerbic manner, it was born from a frank conversation with a close friend who was experiencing illness.

Ciaran comments...

“A while back I spoke to a friend that was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He was fully aware of his timeline, and talked about how it had changed his outlook on both life and death.”

“One thing he told me was the sense of relief that he didn’t have to concern himself with the daily stresses and general unwanted shite any longer. His focus shifted toward spending time with the ones he loved, that was it. He talked about everything becoming simpler. Knowing this made me feel my own sense of calm, firstly for him, and then for myself. It struck me that there is something deeply beautiful about accepting what is beyond our control in life, and death.”

Aligning with Soft Sports, the song takes on a different perspective, its sarcasm becoming more playful - something that exudes in the accompanying video.

The songwriter works with choreographer Emily McDonagh - "who I owe everything to" - on the clip; "What I wanted from the video," he says, "was something that looked complete, yet uncomfortable. I wanted to embody the very fear and reluctance that I had of being out of my comfort zone."

Ciaran explains: "The very basic goal for this video was to learn how to dance; pure and simple. I realised that I could cop out, and, like many music videos in the past, hire some dancers to perform while I sit in the background looking broody/concentrated whilst lip syncing to the song. I wanted to challenge myself within my ability range."

"I wanted something between Christine And The Queens and Napoleon Dynamite - slick and precise, yet awkward and vulnerable. A school talent contest energy throughout..."

Tune in now.

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