WHO Instructs Indonesia: Cease all Hydroxychloroquine treatment



The WHO has Instructed Indonesia to stop Doctors and hospitals providing Hydroxychloroquinetreatment to Covid-19 patients. https://indonews.id/artikel/29899/Berbahaya-Alasan-WHO-Desak-Indonesia-Hentikan-Penggunaan-Hydroxychloroquine-dan-chloroquine/ Again another prime example of the WHO / FAUCI / GATES Control Mechanism at play, pushing the Covid Vaccine as the ONLY available Panacea to all our woes. The Moderna Covid trial Vaccine had no better results than the body's own immune system and yet everyone is very excited about a possible Vaccine being released, which as we all know should normally require 5 years of Double blind Placebo tests, but no let's instead bypass traditional...

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