Zippo’s pocket hand warmer runs for 12-hours without a flame, now under $10

Zippo’s pocket hand warmer runs for 12-hours without a flame, now under $10



Walmart is offering the Zippo 12-hour Refillable Hand Warmer for *$9.87 Prime shipped*. For comparison, this one normally sells for around $15 and today’s deal is the lowest we’ve tracked in a while, outside of a drop to $9 back in August. Winter is just around the corner, and with it comes a slew of cold months before it starts to warm back up. Zippo’s hand warmer uses the company’s standard lighter fuel, though it keeps things heated without the need for a flame. It’s pocketable, and can go anywhere you do. You’ll find up to 12-hours of usage available here before it’s time to refill, giving you plenty of warmth to get through the day. Rated 4.4/5 stars.


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