Today’s exercise equipment deals kick off from $15 at Amazon

Today’s exercise equipment deals kick off from $15 at Amazon



Amazon is offering the Sunny Health & Fitness Air Bike for *$139.99 shipped*. For comparison, Sunny Health & Fitness charges $60 more, but a routine price of $169 is closer to what we’ve tracked. Today’s deal comes within $13 of the lowest price we have tracked over the last year. This affordable piece of exercise equipment boasts a “unique fan wheel design” that’s able to use air as resistance to bolster the effectiveness of your workout. Like an elliptical machine, handlebars move along with your legs, helping provide a full-body exercise. Its large, cushioned seat boasts up/down and forward/back adjustability in an attempt to offer a comfortable riding experience to anyone. Rated 4/5 stars. Continue reading to find yet another fitness-related deal priced *at $15*.


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