Get a lifetime of cheap flights with two subscriptions to Dollar Flight Club, just $150

Get a lifetime of cheap flights with two subscriptions to Dollar Flight Club, just $150



One of the best gifts you could give this season might be the ability to travel without thinking about crazy gas prices. Traveling by car might be out of the question, but you could still get some awesome deals on flights international and domestic with Dollar Flight Club. For a limited time, we’ve got a two-pack of lifetime subscriptions and they’re 95% off. *Get Dollar Flight Club’s Premium Plus+ plan for two members for $149.99.*

*Get flight deals sent straight to your inbox *

Pick your airports and get ready to fly. Dollar Flight Club is a convenient service that sends you a curated list of flight deals based on the departing airports you select. They’ll find flights connecting you with locations all over the world with deals in Business, Economy, and Premium Economy. 

DFC even looks for mistake fares, which can save you even more. When an airline accidentally lists a ticket for a much lower price, services like Dollar Flight Club can send you the details so you can jump on the deal before the airline corrects it. It’s rare, but it’s a great way to score a vacation for a fraction of the regular price. 

If you’ve ever spent the first leg of your vacation planning trying to find cheap tickets, you know how frustrating it can be. Instead of scouring the internet looking for deals, get a lifetime of them sent to your inbox. You’ll also get access to professional travel tips and discounts on DFC partners. Those include up to 50% off on Babbel, Acanela Expeditions, Huckberry, and more. If you want gear or a way to talk to the locals when you land, these deals have your back. 

*Save on flights for the rest of your life*

Shopping for a world traveler? Give them the gift of never needing to search for flight deals again. 

*For a limited time, get two lifetime subscriptions to Dollar Flight Club Premium Plus+ for $149.99 (reg. $3,380)*.

Prices subject to change.

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