The West wants to orchestrate 'little war' in Ukraine to destroy Russia

The West wants to orchestrate 'little war' in Ukraine to destroy Russia



Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov believes that Western countries want to arrange a "little war" in Ukraine and blame Moscow for it. Having orchestrated a war in Ukraine, they will hold Russia accountable for it to subsequently deprive the country of its competitive opportunities, the minister said on the air of Soloviev Live YouTube channel. "It is outrageous to propagate the position that the West and NATO now take. They are encouraged by the Balts, the Poles and the Ukrainians, it is absolutely obvious … They supply arms to Ukraine, while boasting that since 2014 they have supplied ammunition and attack systems totalling 2.5 billion dollars,” Sergei Lavrov said. Everyone who violates the Minsk armistice agreements in Donbass should blame themselves, he added.

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