The US documented 3 locally transmitted malaria cases for the first time in 20 years. It's not a reason to panic, but sheds a light on the concerns of climate…

The US documented 3 locally transmitted malaria cases for the first time in 20 years. It's not a reason to panic, but sheds a light on the concerns of climate…



A female Anopheles Stephensi mosquito. James Gathany/CDC via AP Three cases of malaria spread locally have been identified in Texas and Florida. The strain, known as P. Vivax, is not considered the deadliest strain of malaria. As the climate warms, mosquito-spread illnesses could become more…

#stephensimosquito #jamesgathany #cdc #florida #pvivax #ddt #cameroncounty #dshs #sarasotacounty #vox

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