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Global Edition
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Senate Republicans Press Governor to Lift Restrictions on Rural Oregon

Credit: KDRV
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Senate Republicans Press Governor to Lift Restrictions on Rural Oregon
Senate Republicans Press Governor to Lift Restrictions on Rural Oregon

Oregon Senate Republican Leader, Herman Baertschiger Jr. talks about opening counties sin rural Oregon during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The state on the parts man baertschiger --- what have your conversations your what have your conversations been like with governor brown --- you mentioned a new normal --- what does a new normal you mentioned brown --- governor been like with conversations your what have --- baertschiger herman senator leader, republican senate republican leader, senator herman baertschiger --- what have your conversations been like with governor brown --- you mentioned a new normal you mentioned brown --- governor been like with conversations your what have --- baertschiger herman baertschiger --- what have your conversations been like with governor brown --- you mentioned a new normal --- what does that look like ---

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