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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Fort Wayne area hospital groups outline their return to normal plans

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Fort Wayne area hospital groups outline their return to normal plans
Fort Wayne area hospital groups outline their return to normal plans

During the COVID-19 pandemic, IU health, Parkview, and the Lutheran network have seen a drop in the number of visits to their clinics and hospitals.

Leaders of hospital groups throughout the region came together today to give a status update on their operations during the covid-19 pandemic and how they plan to move caleb d.

Fox 55 saylor has more details on how the plans will unfold.trt:1:43 during the covid-19 pandemic, iu health, parkview, and lutheran network have seen a drop in the number of visits to their clinics and hospitals while this was the design of the executive order stopping elective procedures, chief medical officer of iu health geoff randolph says the hospital groups are ready to help people who have been putting off care.

Ealthcare needs to be managed on-going.

People who have diabetes, and heart disease, and lung disease, a variety of other types.

T go issues don away, and we want to make sure you know, all three of our systems in this town are here to make sure that those things are continuing to be taken care of.he groups outlined their plans for returning to normal operations today.the three hospital groups are all taking similar approaches, assessing what procedures can be done first, and what can wait until later.vishal bahtia with the lutheran health network explained their plan oes it need to be done within the next few days, within the new month, within the next three months?

Based on that, slowly, with very purposeful and thoughtful screening, we have started opening up our healthcare system to start elective procedures.ason row with parkview says these return to normal plans are still dependent on what covid does in the future.

F we start to see the number of cases of covid-19 rise in the community, the number of hospital beds occupied increase, then we can put a hold to some degree of restoration of normal operations and flex the plan so the plans, however detailed they are, will still be flexible and part of that plan is to continue tele-health while things return back to normal for hospitals, theye still asking you to practice social distancing, be patient during the transition, and go to the emergency room if you need emergency fort wayne, caleb saylor.

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