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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Baseball with social distancing

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Baseball with social distancing
Baseball with social distancing
Can sports return this summer?

The coronavirus pandemic has practially shut down the sporting world since march.

Now many are left wondering when their favorite games could return.

???t news three's zach gilleland spoke to a couple of coaches about a possible summer season and what it may take to get the ball rolling... he joins us live with the latest.xx i think i can speak for most sports fans when i say?

I want games and races and meets to come back.

But there are so many obstacles to overcome first... how in the world can sports come back when you're supposed to socially distance?

The iowa high school baseball and softball seasons are right around the corner and if they do happen?

I'm learning they're going to look different.xx doctor anthony fauci says sports may not return in 2020.

Both iowa and minneosta have already cancelled their spring seasons.

Can we see a return this summer?

And how can social distancing be observed on the diamond?

Newman catholic athletic director and baseball coach alex bohl doesn't quite have the answer yet once we get the confirmation, that we can have a season that will definitely be something that we have to look into.

Bohl says the health of everyone at the game is the top priority.

Making sure our spectators, and our players and our workers, our umpires are as safe as they can be.

Knights softball coach tom dunn said he can picture changes to the games... where fans sit and where umpires are stationed.

"a vast majority of the fans, spectators actually sit in the lawn chairs and stuff out in the outfield.

Maybe the biggest thing would be the umpires and the catchers and their proximity."

But at this point... coaches are uncertain what there has not been a decision whether the season will be cancelled or not.

I'm told by june we will know.

Live in rochester, zach gilleland kimt news three.xx thanks zach.

Dunn said he is optomistic a season will happen?

Although it is uncertain.//

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