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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Search and rescue adjusts to a pandemic

Credit: KDRV
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Search and rescue adjusts to a pandemic
Search and rescue adjusts to a pandemic
The Jackson and Josephine County Search and Rescue teams have new protocols.

For multiple rescues over the weekend.

Newswatch 12's josh shelton explains and brings us up to date on one of those searches.

(take josh key) josh shelton says, "with the weather warming up and people wanting to get out of their houses, jackson and josephine county sheriff's departments' search and rescue teams are gearing up for more water rescue calls.

And while water rescue is a challenge in of itself, adding another layer to that challenge is doing it in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic."

(topic key) both departments have implemented a number of safety measures including limiting the amount of people in any one vehicle.

They also received p-p-e kits to protect the rescuers... and those being rescued.

(take maria key) deputy maria valdez says, "you know, if we find a subject where we rescue someone, we put a mask on them so that you can try to mitigate that contamination as well.

There's just a lot of things in play."

Recently- search crews in jackson county have been focused on searching for daryl johnson in the rogue river.

He was hiking with friends saturday when he fell into river.

(take josh key) josh shelton says, "the search for daryl johnson continues.

In the meantime, i spoke with one of his family members who gave me a little bit of insight to who daryl johnson was as a person.

He was a musician who in his early years toured around with a band and more recently settling down into a worship choir.

He was an active outdoorsman who treated every creature, even bugs, as one of god's creations.

He was also described as

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