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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

West Lafayette Police release use of force policy breakdown

Credit: WLFI
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West Lafayette Police release use of force policy breakdown
West Lafayette Police release use of force policy breakdown

Where we stand as a nation when it comes to Police and their role in society is divided.

Today the West Lafayette Police Department released a comprehensive look on where it stands when it comes to policies and procedures.

Lafayette police department released a comprehensive look on where it stands when it comes to policies and procedures.

I talked with police chief troy harris about what he hopes the public takes away from this information.

Police departments across the country are under question by the public which is something that west lafayette police chief troy harris recognizes.

"we were surprised by some of the misconceptions and some of the things that people didn't know that we did."- troy harris.

That's why the department released this document called where we stand.

"we put together this where we stand educational document which is really what it is to talk about our police department the policies that we have and some of the things that guide our officers on a daily basis."-troy harris the document states that chokeholds are not authorized by the deparment.

It also states that officers must exhaust all alternatives before using deadly force.

If officers feel they need to use deadly force they must give verbal warning before.

While most of these policies have been in place for years there was one update to the forces protocol that was made to hold officers more accountable.

"what the new policy states is that the officer that fail to intercede is just as liable as the person who uses unreasonable force."- harris one officer says..

He's glad people will have a better idea of the training their police department goes through.

"we have nothing to hide this is what we do we work for the public we are paid for by the public..

Paid for by tax dollars if they know what we are doing even better.

If they know how hard it is and what we have to do with 600 pages of a policy we have to follow."- sergeant adam miller overall the deparment hopes they can become more transparent to the public.

"these are imporant issues that people need to learna about and we need to talk about them."

-harris the lafayette police department released a document which expressed the efforts they are making for community policing but didn't break down specific policy requirements.

For a link to both of those documents head to w-l-f-i dot com.


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