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Monday, June 3, 2024

Grandmother facing coronavirus in a local nursing home - grandson voices concerns

Credit: WTVA ABC Tupelo, MS
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Grandmother facing coronavirus in a local nursing home - grandson voices concerns
Grandmother facing coronavirus in a local nursing home - grandson voices concerns

One man expressed his concerns as a local nursing home is continuing to face a coronavirus breakout inside its walls.

News at ten.

A local nursing home is continuing to face a coronavirus breakout inside its walls.

W-t-v-a's bronson woodruff visited iuka today where he was able to speak with one man who said his grandmother lives there, and contracted the virus.

Iuka resident timothy deshazier said his eighty-eight- year-old grandmother bonnie sherrill contracted the virus while living in tishomingo manor.

He said the home tested all staff and residents on july 28th and 29th.

Deshazier said that was when the home informed him sherrill tested positive.

"they told us that she got it from a staff member."

He added the home moved her to a different part of the home after her positive test.

He said they called and said she had been having heart problems. "my sister said, well if it does it again, you know, don't you think we need to go to the hospital?

And they said well, we'll call the ambulance if you the home informed him sherrill tested positive.

"they told us that she got it from a staff member."

He added the home moved her to a different part of the home after her positive test.

He said they called and said she had been having heart problems. "my sister said, well if it does it again, you know, don't you think we need to go to the hospital?

And they said well, we'll call the ambulance if you want us to.

And she said well yeah, i thought that'd be protocol, you know?"

According to deshazier, she went to the hospital, and doctors found she had other health problems including pneumonia.

"the only thing they told us at the nursing home was that her heart rate was up and down, so if we hadn't have told them to send her to the emergency room, she would've been dead, you know?"

He said after that hospital stay, doctors did what they could for her, and the hospital released her back to the nursing home.

Not long after, he said she had to go back to the e.r.

For breathing problems; after a chest x-ray, the hosptial sent a chest x-ray, the hosptial sent her back to tishomingo manor.

Deshazier said he'd like to move his grandmother to another home..... but because she has the virus... that move is not possible..

Deshazier added for now, the home is not allowing visitors for safety reasons.

Reporter outro: we reached out to tishomingo manor earlier today.

The manor declined to comment at this time.

Reporting in iuka, i'm bronson woodruf for w-t-v-a nine news.

"we saw number today that did not fit the downward trend in covid 19 cases and it is a reminder that nothing is inevitable..."

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