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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Return 2 School Plan

Credit: WTVQ Lexington, KY
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Return 2 School Plan
Return 2 School Plan
story at 6p

Joining us this evening.

And i'm veronica jean seltzer.

Governor andy beshear has unveiled a new back-to school plan.

That's our top story at six.

Fs img txt bullets:no return-to-school plan source: office of the governor coronavirus masks school.jpg ... today... the governor announced he signed an executive order... requiring parents and guardians of all k through 12 private and public school students to report to the school if their child tests positive for covid-19.

They must do it within 24 hours of a positive test.

All schools must report that information... which will be fed into a new state dashboard anyone can access.

The governor says it is part of a plan that will allow individual school districts to determine if they should return to in-person classes on september 28 and the following weeks.... based on the number of coronavirus cases in their community.

Fs vo bullets:no coronavirus in kentucky source: office of the governor new cases: 342 total cases: 57, ... the governor also gave an update on coronavirus cases in the state.... reporting 342 new cases.

That brings the overall total to 57,282 five new deaths are also being reported.

That brings the number of kentuckians lost to the virus since the start of the pandemic to 1,065 and taking a look at the positivity rate... that is now at four-point-one-seven percent.

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