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Monday, June 3, 2024

Heritage Service web Clip

Credit: WCBI
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Heritage Service web Clip
Heritage Service web Clip
Heritage Service web Clip

Community service project is giving a five-year- old a new spark... since 2010, the students at heritage academy done a senior group service project.

This year, they're hoping to grant a wish .

"what's your wish?

To meet a friendly dinosaur."

Meet a friendly dinosaur...that's what 5-year-old starkville kindergardener liam lamb hopes to do one day.

Two years ago...liam's life was turned upside down when he contracted e coli...which damaged his red blood cells.

Complications from his condition led to emergency surgery to remove part of his colon and a kidney transplant and a long list of other procedures.

"we don't know how we made it here, just one foot, one step at a time."

Hearing of liam's fight...students at the heritage academy were inspired to use their senior group service project to give back to liam and his family.

"the idea of helping a little 5- year-old kid with all of his problems and everything that is going on felt really meaningful to our class."

Partnering with make-a-wish...the class of 2021 is raising 10- thousand dollars to send liam and his family to disney world.

Thursday... the school held a special ceremony in his honor.

The assembly included presentations from the students...liam's mother ann..and some special surprises for liam...who loves mississippi state almost as much as he loves dinosaurs.

"the bulldog family is thinking about you and rooting for you.

Hope you get that trip to disney world in the near future.

Hail state."

After years of was a day of hope for the lamb family... "just happines and joy and elation for everybody supporting liam and thinking about him."

...and the heritage seniors.

"it's just been really special because we get to know this awesome little kid and help him with whatever wish he wants."

Students tell us they have raised around four thousand dollars through make-a- wish for liam and his family.

The lambs hope to take liam on that trip to disney land some time next year.

Donation information is on our website wcbi dot

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