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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Initiative to make Rochester more age-friendly

Credit: KIMT
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Initiative to make Rochester more age-friendly
Initiative to make Rochester more age-friendly

The City of Rochester is learning about an initiative to make cities more livable for elderly citizens.

Today./// the city of rochester is learning about an initiative to make cities more livable for elderly citizens.

Kimt news three's anthony monzon is live outside rochester city hall with the information city leaders were presented with today.


Katie... officials were briefed this afternoon about the a?


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"*friendly states and communities... which is organized in part by the world health organization.

The initiative defines an age friendly community as one that is safe and secure... has affordable housing... appropriate transportatio n options..

And offers supportive community features and services.

Following the presentation... rochester mayor kim norton emphasized the importance of planning the city's future alongside elderly citizens at a time when rochester is developing 'if we're building with the thought of serving an 80 year old in a wheel chair or a walker or with mobility issues, that will also help everyone else as well."

Now no specific next steps have been established by the city just yet on this matter... but beyond rochester... olmsted county has already joined the initiative... and the state of minnesota is working to do so as well.

Live in rochester... anthony monzon... kimt news thanks anthony.

A survey conducted last year found just thrity?


"* percent of retired residents in olmsted county believe the community

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