TikTok declared the 'scariest video on the internet'
TikTok declared the 'scariest video on the internet'

If you’re the kind of person who reads about horror movies before watching them, you’re a genius.Months after TikTok user artem_mokrushin uploaded the original post, a tweet from journalist Ben Bell re-sharing the clip went viral.“2020 in one TikTok,” the tweet read.In the video, a man turns off the lights in a hallway, and a vague figure appears twice.A woman sitting on the bed points to the figure each time, and each time the man turns the lights back on and sees nothing.Eventually, a screaming sound blows out the audio and the figure rushes to the camera at lightning speed and a terrifying face fills the screen.There’s something about the low production value at first that lures you into a false sense of security and then grabs you.“Whatever you do.

Do NOT click on this.

Wish I could go back in time and be free of this curse,” one Twitter user wrote.For good measure, a TikTok user declared it the “scariest video on the internet”