College student earns praise for list of 'worst' part-time jobs
College student earns praise for list of 'worst' part-time jobs

TikTok user @haleyjsteiner is now going viral for a series of videos ranking the best — and worst — places she’s allegedly worked as a young adult.The TikToker has shared three videos so far, during which she details her alleged experiences at American Eagle, Hobby Lobby and Chuck E.

Cheese.So far, the college student's “worst” alleged job seems to be at American Eagle.In the viral video describing her time at the retail store, @haleyjsteiner claims she “doesn’t have a very good thing to say about the place” — besides its employee discount.In the video, she also complains about allegedly working short shifts, which, she claimed, resulted in her bringing home less than $200 each paycheck.Some alleged former American Eagle employees seemed to share her feelings.“I haven’t seen anyone have as bad of an experience as me, so thank you for this,” one user wrote.During @haleyjsteiner’s other clips, she gave her former jobs much higher marks.She gave her Chuck E.

Cheese experience a “7/10,” claiming it was a good job where she got to eat candy throughout her shift.

The only downside?

Occasionally wearing a mouse costume to entertain the kids