Pope Benedict Did Not Act Against Abusive Priests, German Report Finds
Pope Benedict Did Not Act Against Abusive Priests, German Report Finds

Pope Benedict Did Not Act Against Abusive Priests, German Report Finds.

The archdiocese of Munich commissioned a local law firm to compile a report into sexual abuse committed at the hands of German Catholic priests.

It found that during his time as archbishop in Munich, former Pope Benedict "can be accused of misconduct" in his dealings with abusive priests.


In a total of four cases, we came to the conclusion that the then-archbishop, Cardinal Ratzinger, can be accused of misconduct, Martin Pusch, Report Co-Author, via NBC News.

A lawyer who defended abuse victims in Boston during the prelude to the explosive stories reported by the Spotlight team at 'The Boston Globe' reacted to the news.

That Pope Benedict covered up clergy sexual abuse when he was Archbishop of Munich comes as no surprise to clergy sexual abuse victims and further weakens the global moral authority of the Catholic Church, Mitchell Garabedian, Lawyer For Boston Abuse Victims, via NBC News.

Catholic Church officials stated that Benedict, who lives at the Vatican, will review the report "in coming days.".

In coming days, following its publication, the Holy See will be able to give it a careful and detailed examination, Matteo Bruni, Vatican Press Office Director, via NBC News.

Officials reiterated the church's "closeness to all victims.".

In reiterating shame and remorse for abuses committed by clerics against minors, , Matteo Bruni, Vatican Press Office Director, via NBC News.

... the Holy See expresses its closeness to all victims and reaffirms the efforts undertaken to protect minors and ensure safe environments for them, Matteo Bruni, Vatican Press Office Director, via NBC News.

According to 'The New York Times,' as pope, Benedict did act to remove hundreds of priests accused of sexual abuse.

But during a 2005 Good Friday speech before he was pope, Benedict made a statement that could have conflicting interpretations.

How much filth there is in the church, even among those who, in the priesthood, should belong entirely [to God], Pope Benedict, 2005 Good Friday Speech, via 'The New York Times'